Conteúdo Curso de Inglês: English For Life, Inglês em 5 minutos

Curso de Inglês: English For Life, veja o conteúdo


  • Welcome!
  • Artigo Definido e Indefinido
  • Verbo To Be Afirmativo
  • Verbo To Be Negativo e Interrogativo
  • There Is - There Are
  • There Isn't - There aren't
  • Present Simple
  • Present Simple Negative Interrogative
  • Present Continuous
  • Present Continuous Negative Interrogative
  • Asking Questions Present
  • Simple Past
  • Simple Past Negative Interrogative
  • Past Continuous
  • Past Continuous Negative Interrogative
  • Present Perfect Simple
  • Present Perfect with For and Since
  • Present Perfect Continuous
  • The Future - Making Predictions
  • The Future - Plans and Decisions
  • Asking Questions - Future
  • Have - Got
  • Can - Could
  • Must - Have To - Should
  • Must - May - Might - Could - Can
  • Passives
  • Conditionals - Aula 1
  • Conditionals - Aula 2
  • Used To
    Jenny e Rob (A1 - A2)
  • Aula 1
  • Aula 2
  • Aula 3
  • Aula 4
  • Aula 5
  • Aula 6
  • Aula 7
  • Aula 8
  • Aula 9
  • Aula 10
  • Aula 11
  • Aula 12
  • Aula 13
  • Aula 14
  • Aula 15
  • Aula 16
  • Aula 17
  • Aula 18
  • Aula 19
  • Aula 20
  • Aula 21
  • Aula 22
  • Aula 23
  • Aula 24
  • Aula 25
  • Aula 26
  • Aula 27
  • Aula 28
  • Aula 29
  • Aula 30
    English Today (A1 - A2)
  • Aula 1: Nice to meet you
  • Aula 2: Where are you from?
  • Aula 3: What’s your last name?
  • Aula 4: Personal information
  • Aula 5: Hurry up!
  • Aula 6: What time is it?
  • Aula 7: Welcome to the team!
  • Aula 8: Where is the coffee machine?
  • Aula 9: Finally, an audition!
  • Aula 10: What time do you wake up?
  • Aula 11: A typical day
  • Aula 12: What do you do at the weekend?
  • Aula 13: Let’s talk about you
  • Aula 14: Tell me about your job
  • Aula 15: What sports do you like doing?
  • Aula 16: Do you like cooking?
  • Aula 17: Can I hear a song from the musical?
  • Aula 18: Your wish is my command!
  • Aula 19: Tv, sandwiches and a beer… paradise!
  • Aula 20: What’s wrong?
  • Aula 21: Do you have a suggestion?
  • Aula 22: Do you think I need a boyfriend?
  • Aula 23: Don’t panic!
  • Aula 24: All neat and clean!
  • Aula 25: Bring me bag to life
  • Aula 26: Have you got a moment, Peter?
  • Aula 27: Fortunately, I’ve got my map!
  • Aula 28: You’re hopeless with computers
  • Aula 29: You’re too curious
  • Aula 30: Didn’t you notice anything?
    Living English (inglês australiano)
  • 1 - Pleased to meet you
  • 2 - Enjoy your stay
  • 3 - What time is it
  • 4 - Second on the left
  • 5 - Are you married?
  • 6 - He didn’t write
  • 7 - Come to lunch
  • 8 - This my brother
  • 9 - The most beautiful city
  • 10 - What’s the matter?
  • 11 - Let me help
  • 12 - The day after tomorrow
  • 13 - What are you doing tomorrow?
  • 14 - Are there some kangaroos?
  • 15 - A big grey one
  • 16 - What would you like?
  • 17 - I usually catch a bus
  • 18 - There’s a message for you
  • 19 - I haven’t found him
  • 20 - You walk sadly
  • 21 - Single trip or day trip
  • 22 - Look after yourself
  • 23 - If I were you
  • 24 - The most expensive wine
  • 25 - How many prawns
  • 26 - I thought I saw him
  • 27 - It’s made of gold
  • 28 - You should relax
  • 29 - Do you have a wok?
  • 30 - First, fry the prawns
    Inglês nível B1
  • Aula 01
  • Aula 2
  • Aula 3
  • Aula 4
  • Aula 5
  • Aula 6
  • Aula 7
  • Aula 8
  • Aula 9
  • Aula 10
  • Aula 11
  • Aula 12
  • Aula 13
  • Aula 14
  • Aula 15
  • Aula 16
  • Aula 17
  • Aula 18
  • Aula 19
  • Aula 20
  • Aula 21
  • Aula 22
  • Aula 23
  • Aula 24
  • Aula 25
  • Aula 26
  • Aula 27
  • Aula 28
  • Aula 29
  • Aula 30
    Inglês nível B2 (Podcasts)
  • Podcast 1
  • Podcast 2
  • Podcast 3
  • Podcast 4
  • Podcast 5
  • Podcast 6
  • Podcast 7
  • Podcast 8
  • Podcast 9
  • Podcast 10
  • Podcast 11
  • Podcast 12
  • Podcast 13
  • Podcast 14
  • Podcast 15
  • Podcast 16
  • Podcast 17
  • Podcast 18
  • Podcast 19
  • Podcast 20
  • Podcast 21
  • Podcast 22
  • Podcast 23
  • Podcast 24
  • Podcast 25
  • Podcast 26
  • Podcast 27
  • Podcast 28
  • Podcast 29
  • Podcast 30
    Aulas de pronúncia
  • 1 - Really weird rear wheels
  • 2 - I eat a piece of meat
  • 3 - My mummy makes muffins on Monday
  • 4 - The proud crowd was loud
  • 5 - Great girl Grace at the glorious gardens
  • 6 - My truck is stuck in a rut
  • 7 - Paul, please pause for proper applause
  • 8 - Harold had his hair cut
  • 9 - The kite flies so high, it's out of sight
  • 10 - Vera Van flew to France for fashion
  • 11 - Leaves fall on the floor in autumn
  • 12 - Lisa laughed listlessly
  • 13 - She was shocked to see sharks
  • 14 - My fellow goes to a show in a coat
  • 15 - They can't restart his heart
  • 16 - Don't bash ash in a flash
  • 17 - He's a professor of literature
  • 18 - th
  • 19 - Dan rang the wrong number
  • 20 - Wisdom makes wizards wise
  • 21 - A lawyer's choice was oysters in oil
  • 22 - Vivian believes minivan have a very good value
  • 23 - Tom's got a lot of socks
  • 24 - Buy pie pans before you buy butter plates
  • 25 - Four furious friends fought for the phone
  • 26 - Whatever the weather, we'll be together
  • 27 - We played a game before it started raining
  • 28 - Tom told me, that he trained too hard
  • 29 - Abbey has a happy puppy
  • 30 - I can't endure rural tours
  • 31 - Nine nice nurses work 'till noon
  • 32 - They were throught with three things
  • 33 - Debbie didn't do the dishes
  • 34 - A big blue backet of blue blueberries
  • 35 - A pair bought a hare at a fair
  • 36 - Wild vines make fine vintage wines
  • 37 - Ten hens laid ten eggs
  • 38 - Kids keep keys in kettles
  • 39 - Contrações
  • 40 - Pronúncia
  • 41 - Sound more natural
  • 42 - Speak fast like a native
    Leitura guiada (aulas adicionadas diariamente)
  • Aula 1 - Fist Meetings
    Everyday English
  • At the restaurant
  • Describing your family
  • Families
  • Goals and dreams
  • Going to the doctor
  • Hobbies
  • Holidays
  • In the Kitchen
  • Making Friends
  • Saving money
  • Social media and the internet
  • Spending money
  • Talking about technology
  • The environment
  • The weather
  • Travelling
  • Winning and losing in sport
  • Writing a formal letter
  • Writing informal letters
    Listen and Repeat
  • Áudio 1
  • Áudio 2
  • Áudio 3
  • Áudio
  • Áudio 5
  • Áudio 6
  • Áudio 7
  • Áudio 8
  • Áudio 9
  • Áudio 10
  • Áudio 11
  • Áudio 12
  • Áudio 13
  • Áudio 14
  • Áudio 15
  • Áudio 16
  • Áudio 17
  • Áudio 18
  • Áudio 19
  • Áudio 20
  • Áudio 21
    Inglês com Duncan
  • Aula 1
  • Aula 2
  • Aula 3
  • Aula 4
  • Aula 5
  • Aula 6
  • Aula 7
  • Aula 8
  • Aula 9
  • Aula 10
  • Aula 11
  • Aula 12
  • Aula 13
  • Aula 14
  • Aula 15
  • Aula 16
  • Aula 17
  • Aula 18
  • Aula 19
  • Aula 20
  • Aula 21
  • Aula 22
  • Aula 23
  • Aula 24
  • Aula 25
  • Aula 26
  • Aula 27
  • Aula 28
  • Aula 29
  • Aula 30
  • Aula 31
  • Aula 32
  • Aula 33
  • Aula 34
  • Aula 35
  • Aula 36
  • Aula 37
  • Aula 38
  • Aula 39
  • Aula 40
  • Aula 1
  • Aula 2
  • Aula 3
  • Aula 4
  • Aula 5
  • Aula 6
  • Aula 7
  • Aula 8
  • Aula 9
  • Aula 10
  • Aula 11
  • Aula 12
  • Aula 13
  • Aula 14
  • Exercício 1
    Listening A2
  • Áudio 1
  • Áudio 2
  • Áudio 3
    Listening A2 - B1
  • Áudio 1
  • Áudio 2
  • Áudio 3
    Listening B1 - B2
  • Áudio 1
  • Áudio 2
  • Áudio 3
Curso de Inglês: English For Life site oficial